Yolanda Marie

Yolanda Marie—Yani for short— I’m a Maryland based self-taught artist whose primary mediums are photography, writing, digital art, acrylic on canvas and clothing. I’m also the co-founder of House of Fluid Reflections(HFR). I host an artist feature podcast, photo shoots and other creative projects through HFR. My most recent fine art project is Faces of Grief, a photo series highlighting the various different expressions of grief in different people. My goal with this project is to unpack some of the taboo tinge around grief and create safe space for people to connect, communicate and possibly even grieve together.

As a creator and an empath, I’ve witnessed a general dehumanization and devaluing of people. One of our main drives as HFR is to re-humanize ourselves and others by highlighting unique stories, visuals, food and experiences. It brings me joy to have the opportunity to be the change I want to see in the world.

As an emerging artist, I participate in a variety of shows and opportunities in the arts sector. Recently, I won an award from the DC Street Photography Collective. Previously my work ‘Journeying Madam Time’ appeared at the Fashion Institute of Technology’s “Black in Time” exhibit.

Thank you for getting to know a bit about me. I look forward to further connection with you.

Be You. Be Well.


Yolanda Marie